Tale twist

Little Squirrel and the Darkness
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Little Squirrel's Fear
Once upon a time in the forest, there lived Little Squirrel who was afraid of the dark. Every time he went to bed, darkness would creep into the hollow where Little Squirrel and his mother squirrel lived. Darkness seemed to Little Squirrel like a terrible beast, like a wolf.
Each night, as the shadows grew longer and the forest sounds became more mysterious, Little Squirrel's imagination would run wild, picturing the darkness as a vast, all-encompassing creature with glowing eyes lurking just outside their home.
When fear overtook him, Little Squirrel would dive under his blanket, trying to hide from the unseen eyes he imagined in the dark. There, in his cozy cocoon, he would whisper stories to himself — tales of light and bravery that his mother had told him, hoping to summon the courage that seemed so much a part of those stories.
Yet, despite these efforts, the fear of the dark lingered, a shadowy challenge Little Squirrel felt determined to conquer.