Tale twist

Friends from the Apple Tree
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A Surprise Visitor
Early in the morning, a little worm named Nibble was happily munching his way through a juicy red apple. Inside this apple, which was his home, Nibble enjoyed a quiet life filled with the simple pleasure of crisp apple bites. He reveled in the silence, appreciating every morsel of his cozy, solitary world. For Nibble, the apple was vast enough; its fresh flesh was his entire universe.
However, Nibble's peaceful existence was about to change. As he chewed contentedly, a sudden noise interrupted his silent feast. Another sound of munching echoed within the apple's chambers, startling him. Before he could gather his thoughts, a cheerful voice rang out, "Hello! My name is Wiggly, and who are you?"
Nibble, taken aback and a bit annoyed by the intrusion, replied hesitantly, "Nibble. Are you also living in my apple?"
"Yes, isn’t that wonderful? Nice to meet you, Nibble! Let’s eat the apple together. Maybe this way we’ll find our way out of the apple quicker," Wiggly proposed with an excited wriggle.
"Out?" Nibble questioned, his voice tinged with concern. "This apple is my world. I don’t want to go out. I’ll stay here."
Nibble didn't know it yet, but his quiet life was about to be swept up in a whirlwind of adventure, all starting with the unexpected arrival of his new, overly enthusiastic roommate, Wiggly.