
Casy and the Traveling Seeds

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Floating Parachutes


Casy wriggled happily across the meadow, feeling the warm sun on her back. Just as she reached a big dandelion, a gust of wind whooshed past, sending fluffy white seeds soaring into the air.

“Whoa! They’re flying!” Casy gasped, her brown eyes wide.

She jumped up, wiggling her tiny legs, trying to catch one. She missed. She tried again. And again. Finally, she leaped as high as she could—only to land flat on her back in the grass.

A chuckling voice made her antennae twitch. “Chasing the wind, are you?”

Casy flipped onto her feet and spotted a green grasshopper perched on a leaf, watching her with amusement.

“I almost caught one!” Casy huffed, brushing off a stray petal.

The grasshopper grinned. “Those are dandelion seeds. The wind carries them far away so new flowers can grow!”

Casy’s mouth dropped open. “The wind is planting dandelions? That’s genius!”

“Nature is full of clever tricks,” the grasshopper said. “And that’s just one way seeds travel.”

Casy’s antennae perked up. “Wait—there’s more?”

The grasshopper nodded. “Plenty more.”

Casy wiggled excitedly. “Then let’s find them!”

With a playful hop, the grasshopper led the way.