Tale twist

A Rabbit Named Daisy
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Daisy's Adventures Begin
Once upon a time, in a faraway forest, lived a tiny white rabbit named Daisy. He was very small and as white as snow on a cold winter morning. In winter, he stayed hidden in the forest, where no one could see him. But when spring came, with its first green leaves and flowers popping up from the dark, wet soil, Daisy could be seen easily and had to look for new hiding spots.
Daisy found a cozy spot under an old fallen tree and was too scared to even stick out his pink nose. But soon, the grass turned green, trees and bushes got their leaves, and there were plenty of places to hide. Daisy then happily hopped through the fields of flowers, looking like a white spark among the bright colors.
One day, a wolf chased Daisy, but he escaped and hid in a field of daisies. There, surrounded by white flowers, he was hidden again, and the confused wolf left. Feeling thirsty, Daisy went to the river for some water. Suddenly, a bright red fox saw him and started to chase him. With no place to hide, Daisy jumped onto a white water lily in the river. Hidden once more, Daisy watched the fox leave, tricked again.
Just as Daisy was about to hop back to land, the water lily started to move down the river. Daisy, who couldn’t swim, was very scared. But on his water lily boat, he floated along, feeling scared and amazed, wondering where this surprise adventure would take him.